jeudi 7 décembre 2006

I don’t deserve you…

3 décembre 2006, 1h58:

My love,

It’s quite late now, and I just got from work... So I'm a little tired and have to go to bed... I think you must be sleeping or away from the computer now....

So... I will just leave you some message for when you wake up, or when you come to your computer ...

I just read your e mail and I dont know what were the circumstances when you wrote me ... I dont know how serious you were, (maybe you were drunk, maybe you don't know how strong this word is in english, or maybe you know exactly what you said)

Whatever the case is ...

I think you are very concious about the reciprocity. Love is such a powerful word, that I never know when or how to use it...

If love is think about a person day and night (non-stop), if love is feel intimacy with a person that you know for a short time, but you feel that this person is already part of your life, and if love is wish the best for a person even when it means your suffering (like when you were about to leave to asia) ... Well , than it’s obvious that I love you.

And this makes me feel so vulnerable, and sometimes even ridiculous... But it’s true. Every single time you call me "baby boy" "my candy" "my love" I just forget what my name is !

And about fear ...

I think I'm just as afraid as you are. I'm not afraid of going to Paris... Although my french is shit, I dont have a lot of money, I have to find a job and etc etc, changes in my life dont scare me much ...

But, what I feel for you is at the same time wonderful and terrifying. Wonderful because every message, e mail or call I receive from you makes me go to a place distant from reality... It’s almost like stop thinking. Terrifying , because I really don’t know what the future will be like...

I'm afraid to suffer if our relationship doesn’t work for any reason. To be very honest, I think I arrived in a point of no return. If anything bad happens, suffering will be inevitable.

Of course it will not be the first and not the last time it will happen in my life, but still, I know myself well enough to know how I will feel if I lose you. And thats exactly what makes me afraid of being in love with you .

Anyway, what I'm doing right now is being very sincere and honest with you about my feelings (and it’s not an easy thing to do, because, sometimes, I don’t even know what I feel). For some reason I don’t feel ashamed of telling you that, but I just hope it doesn’t scare you even more.

My love, I have to go now, but I will call you tomorrow after work. I need and I want to listen to your voice.

PS: I just can’t stop reading the e mail you sent me ... And a billion of things run inside my mint at the speed of light !

Lots of kisses my "gostosinho"

Voilà ce que baby boy a laissé sur mon msn pendant que je me poudrais le nez dans le 9-3 avec des gens tout aussi détruits que moi… Pourquoi un tel texte ? Parce que la veille, dans toute ma splendeur éthylique je lui ai envoyé ceci :

2 décembre 2006, 5h42:

I love you, and i'm afraid to be in love with you.

Et pour en rajouter une couche, j’ai lu ce texte en rentrant à 6 ou 7h du mat’, completement détruit et déphasé, et non seulement je n’avais pas compris ce qu’il me disait, mais en plus j’avais oublié que je pouvais le relire (vive l’historique msn). Donc le dimanche soir, quand il m’a demandé ce qu’il en était, j’ai juste royalement répondu:

Please, forgive it, I was Drunk! And about your day?

Je demande instamment à être immolé sur place…

Pour ceux qui se posent la question : oui je pense que je tombe amoureux, mais qu’est ce que l’amour quand on ne vit pas ensemble et qu’on ne s’est pas vu depuis plus d’un mois et demi ? Sûrement quelque chose de beau, mais certainement pas quelque chose de stable… Quoiqu’il en soit j’ai merveilleusement merdé : ce garçon ne mérite pas un alcoolique amnésique instable et impulsif !

So my baby boy, I want to say : this message is the most beautiful I never receive, in my all life ! Thanks my dear and please, forgive me…

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